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Permanent Laser Hair Reduction – Safe & Effective

Laser hair reduction is a medical procedure that uses a concentrated beam of light (laser) to remove unwanted hair.

Expertise and Rankings

  • Experience. Holistic Skin care cosmetic surgery specialists perform hundreds of laser hair removal treatments each year.
  • Expertise. At Holistic Skin care, laser hair removal is performed only by board-certified doctors or physician assistants trained in cosmetic surgery and specifically in the proper and safe use of these types of devices.
  • Advanced Technology. Holistic Skin care uses the safest and most advanced hair removal systems available.
  • Time for you.Your Holistic Skin care specialist takes time to discuss options and answer your questions about laser hair removal.

Hair Reduction

Unwanted body hair

Unwanted hair on the body can often be bothersome. Until recently, the only ways to remove them were shaving, waxing or creams available which have their own side effects. These options can only help for a period of time and require repetitive sessions for life and are temporary. They also worsen the skin due to the repeated trauma and pigmented marks they leave after. Thanks to the new technology lasers that give you a permanent solution for excessive hair.

Excessive hair growth

Hair is an essential part of the body but not when it is in excess. Excessive hair growth can be due to hormonal imbalance, polycystic ovarian syndrome in females, insulin resistance. Our first line management is to treat the root cause and then proceed to the hair growth with lasers.


Laser Hair Reduction

Permanent hair removal is done by lasers which target on the hair pigment makes the hair finer, thinner and delay the hair growth.

Root Cause Analysis

Basic hairfall profile, micronutrient profile, Hormonal profile


After assessment and examination, root cause is determined. Once diagnosis is confirmed after certain tests, if required, Medications are started along with hair removal treatments.

Laser Hair Reduction

Permanent hair removal is done by lasers which target on the hair pigment makes the hair finer, thinner and delay the hair growth.

Frequently Asked Question

Dark circles can affect all kinds of people contingent on different causes. Dark circles are for the most part followed by sacks and can make you look more established than you really are. Now and again, dark circles exacerbate the issues by going on for a really long time and making it challenging to dispose of.
You can for all time dispose of dark circles with the dark circles medicines referenced beneath at our skin centre All-encompassing Skin health management that gives moment and compelling outcomes.

Laser medicines are viable to eliminate sun spots. Comprehensive Skin health management is the best centre in Delhi for evacuation of sun spots with laser treatment. Anybody can get sunspots; however, they are more normal in individuals with light complexion and those more established than 40. Sun spots are level earthy coloured detects that foster on the skin after sun openness (during which, UV radiation causes pigmented skin cells called melanocytes to increase). They generally change in shape and measure and happen in the space of your body that have had the most sun openness like face, shoulders, lower arms, and backs of your hands.

Laser treatment is extremely viable for skin inflammation scars. Whenever the pores of your skin become impeded with extreme oil, microbes or dead skin then there are more possibilities of event of skin inflammation that prompts skin break out scars.


Twofold Jawline Fat can be decreased by Coolsculpting at All-encompassing Healthy skin. Coolsculpting is the methodology that can freeze fat off the upper arms, midsection, and thighs and has likewise been cleared by the FDA to handle an entirely different region of the body for example the twofold jawline evacuation.
Coolsculpting technique for twofold jawline evacuation involves adjusted paddles in one of four sizes to pull or draw away your skin and fat precisely like a vacuum.

Laser medicines are compelling to eliminate facial spots, dull spots, and checks and light up my face. All-encompassing Healthy skin is the best facility in Delhi for expulsion of skin break out, dim spots, and checks and light up my face with laser treatment.
Nonetheless, facial spots can be treated as there are clinical medicines accessible at the best healthy skin facility ‘Comprehensive Skin health management’ like 4D Clear Lift, Synthetic Stripping, Microdermabrasion (MDA), and may more.